Melatonin EIA Kit Research

Catalogue Number: 1-3402-SAL

Manufacturer:Salimetrics LLC
Type:Human ELISA Kit
Shipping Condition:Blue Ice
Storage Condition:4°C
Unit(s): 96 Tests
Range: 0.78-50 pg/mL
Sensitivity: 1.37 pg/mL
Sample type: Saliva
Sample size: 100 µL
Application: ELISA


Description: The Salimetrics™ Salivary Melatonin Assay Kit is a competitive immunoassay specifically designed and validated for the quantitative determination of melatonin in saliva for research or circadian/biorhythm assessment. The Salimetrics propriety ELISA format allows melatonin assay results in four hours or less with a single sample and one wash step. Salimetrics salivary assay kits are expertly designed, developed and validated to ensure accuracy in saliva and proven to deliver precision results for salivary biomarkers. Our specifically designed antibody promises precise and accurate results in less time. Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) is a compound secreted mainly by the pineal gland, but synthesized also in many other tissues and cells. In humans, nocturnally peaking oscillations of melatonin are involved in sleep-wakefulness where melatonin concentrations are lower during the day. In recent years, the role of melatonin and its metabolites have been identified as potent, broad acting antioxidants and free radical scavengers in addition to a playing a role in the upregulation of antioxidant enzymes. Melatonin levels in plasma are paralleled by corresponding variations in saliva where the saliva concentrations are about 30% of that found in plasma. Measurement of salivary melatonin is advantageous, especially to avoid invasive venipuncture procedures.