Goat Anti-Horseradish Peroxidase

Catalogue Number: 123-001-021-JIR

Manufacturer:Jackson ImmunoResearch
Shelf Life:12 months
Preservative:0.05% Sodium azide
Physical state:Freeze-dried solid
Type:Polyclonal Primary Antibody - Unconjugated
Shipping Condition:RT
Unit(s): 2 ml
Host name: Goat
Immunogen: Peroxidase


Description: Polyclonal antisera from immunized hosts are lipid extracted to improve clarity, salt fractionated, dialyzed against phosphate buffered saline containing sodium azide and freeze-dried. Antisera against whole serums are obtained by immunizing host animals with whole serum. Antisera against whole IgG molecules [i.e. Anti-IgG (H+L)] are recommended for bridging PAP to primary antibodies. Based on immunoelectrophoresis and/or ELISA, the antibody reacts with peroxidase from horseradish roots. It may cross-react with peroxidase from other sources.

Additional Text

Short Description

Goat Anti-Horseradish Peroxidase unconjugated antisera.

Storage Note

Storage and Rehydration: Store freeze-dried solid at 2-8°C. Rehydrate with the indicated volume of dH2O (see product specification sheet) and centrifuge if not clear. Prepare working dilution on day of use. Product is stable for about 6 weeks at 2-8°C as an undiluted liquid. Extended Storage after Rehydration: Aliquot and freeze undiluted product at -20°C or below. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing. Expiration date: one year from date of rehydration. The expiration date may be extended if test results are acceptable for the intended use.