Human APL1β25 Assay Kit 27737

Catalogue Number: 27737-IBL

Manufacturer:IBL - (Immuno-Biologicals Laboratories Co Ltd)
Type:Human ELISA Kit
Shipping Condition:Blue Ice
Storage Condition:2-8°C
Unit(s): 96 well plate
Range: 9.38 ~ 600 pg/mL
Sample type: Cell Culture Supernatant, Cerebrospinal Fluid
Sample size:


Description: APLP1 and APLP2 (βAPP like protein 1, 2) are known to have similar primary structures to APP (Amyloid precursor protein). In recent years, it has been reported that three length types of APLP1-derived Aβ (Amyloidβ)-like peptides, APL1β25, APL1β27 and APL1β28 that are generated by BACE (β-secretase) and γ-secretase are present in CSF (cerebrospinal fluid). The report also indicates that these APL1β peptides are secreted via similar processes to Aβ but they were not deposited in AD (Alzheimer disease) brain. Additionally, in some experiments using cultured cells, relative production of APL1β28 was regulated as well as that of Aβ42, and the usability of measuring of APL1β28 in CSF is suggested as a candidate surrogate marker for the Aβ42 in brain. Thus, APL1β peptides are expected to be novel biomarkers of AD research. This product can measure human APL1β25.


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