JBS True Blue

Catalogue Number: CO-301-JEN

Manufacturer:Jena Bioscience
Shelf Life:12 months
Type:Biological dyes
Shipping Condition:RT
Storage Condition:RT
Unit(s): 300 ul


Description: Crystallization screening with high concentrations of precipitant and salt may lead to the formation of salt crystals. It is quite difficult to make a distinction between these false positives and true protein crystals. Staining of crystals with appropriate dyes is a very straightforward method to differentiate between macromolecular crystals and salt crystals [1]. Protein and salt crystals differ substantially in their solvent content. Small crystal dyes, like JBS True Blue, are able to permeate the solvent channels of a protein, thus coloring the protein blue. In contrast, salt crystals are tightly packed and do not possess large solvent channels. They will therefore remain colourless.

Additional Text

Application Notes

JBS True Blue is a crystal dye used to stain macromolecular crystals, i.e. protein, peptide and nucleic acid crystals in order to differentiate them from small molecules and salt crystals.

Short Description

Methylene Blue hydrated

CAS Number


Molecular Weight

319.85 g/mol (anhydrous)

Molecular Formula

C16H18ClN3S * H2O

Smile String
