FabFc-ZAP Hug-M

Catalogue Number: IT-78-ATS

Manufacturer:Advanced Targeting Systems
Preservative:No preservative
Type:Polyclonal Secondary Antibody - Conjugated
Shipping Condition:Blue Ice
Unit(s): 1 mg, 100 ug, 250 ug, 25 ug
Host name: Goat


Description: This secondary conjugate recognizes YOUR human IgM monoclonal antibody. Fab-ZAP hug-M is a bonded conjugate of goat anti-human IgM monovalent antibody and the ribosome-inactivating protein, saporin. The antibodies used to make Fab-ZAP hug-M are affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies against the Fc portion of human IgM (5µ). The antibody used in this product will not cross-react across immunoglobulin classes and subclasses of the same species. This product is routinely used in cytotoxicity assays.

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Usage Information

Fab-ZAP Hug-M uses your human primary IgM antibody to target and eliminate cells. This secondary conjugate is used to evaluate the potential of a primary antibody to internalize.

Antibody Clonality


Short Description

[goat anti-human IgM monovalent antibody]-saporin uses YOUR human IgM monoclonal antibody to target and eliminate cells


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