Mitochondrial Apoptosis Detection Fluorometric Kit

Catalogue Number: K2097-APE

Type:Apoptosis Detection Kit
Shipping Condition:Blue Ice
Unit(s): 100 assays, 25 assays


Description: The first intracellular action that happens after the activation of apoptosis is the disruption of the mitochondrial transmembrane potential. By detecting the fluctuation in the mitochondrial transmebrane potential, this kit is an easy and fluorescent-based way for differentiate between healthy and apoptotic cells. It applies MitoCapture, a cationic dye that show different fluorescent-red and green in healthy and apoptotic cells, respectively. MitoCapture accumulates and aggregates in the mitochondria, emitting a bright red fluorescence in healthy cells. However, in apoptotic cells, MitoCapture lose its ability of accumulation and aggregation due to the altered mitochondrial transmembrane potential, and remain in its monomer form that emits fluorescing green.

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Storage Note

Store at -20°C.

Short Description

Distinguishes between apoptotic & healthy cells


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