BDNF Alternative Peptide (TrkB Agonist)

Catalogue Number: PG-003-PEP

Molecular Weight:5151.66 (Acetate)
Physical state:lyohilized
Shipping Condition:Dry Ice
Unit(s): 10 ug, 40 ug, 200 ug, 400 ug
Application: Cell culture


Description: PeptiGrowth succeeded in developing a synthetic peptide that works as TrkB agonist and has equivalent fucntion to Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). Catalog # PG-003, an alternative peptide to BDNF, can be used as a neurotrophic factor to grow, induce, and maintain neurons derived from neural progenitors. Please note that 10 ug of Catalog # PG-003 is equivalent to ~25 ug of recombinant BDNF due to difference in molecular weight.

Additional Text

PG-003 Biological activity

Induces dimerization of TrkB and exerts biological activity equivalent to BDNF

Cell Types: iPSC, ESC, neuron (nerve cells), neural stem cells


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