XtalTool, Sample Holder for Crystal Growth, in situ Ligand Soaking and in situ Data Collection

Catalogue Number: X-XT-101-JEN

Manufacturer:Jena Bioscience
Shipping Condition:RT
Storage Condition:RT
Unit(s): 24 pcs.


Description: The XtalTool is a patent-pending 22 mm sample holder consisting of a plastic support with an outer transparent COC film and an inner X-ray transparent yellow Kapton film with 5 μm pores. The design allows the setup of multiple crystallization drops and does not compromise the monitoring of crystals under a microscope. Mounted on the supplied goniometer base it meets the 18 mm SPINE standard and is compatible with most synchrotron and in-house beamlines. The XtalTool enables crystal growth, manipulation and X-ray data collection at room and cryogenic temperature, all in one.

Additional Text

Additional Information

The XtalTool was developed by HZB MX-group at BESSY II (AG Weiss).

Application Notes

Sample holder for crystal growth, any necessary crystal soaking and X-ray data collection without the need of crystal manipulation or mounting