Click Reagents by Chemistry

Click Chemistry[1] describes pairs of functional groups that rapidly and selectively react (“click”) with each other under mild, aqueous conditions. The concept of Click Chemistry has been transformed into convenient, versatile and reliable two-step coupling procedures of two molecules A and B[1-5] that are widely used in biosciences[6-8], drug discovery[9] and material science[10].

Vinyl-containing Click Reagents

Vinyl-containing nucleotides can be labeled with Tetrazine-tagged reporter molecules via Copper-free Tetrazine-Alkene Ligation that allows to introduce a Biotin group for subsequent purification (via
Tetrazine-containing Biotinylation Reagents) or a fluorescent group for subsequent microscopic imaging (via Tetrazine-containing Fluorescent Dyes).

Search for nucleotides that are suitable for enzymatic click functionalization of DNA or enzymatic click functionalization of RNA

Products & Ordering
5-Vinyl-UTP CLK-069 5-Vinyl-dUTP CLK-068

Vinyl-containing nucleosides can be labeled with Tetrazine-tagged reporter molecules via Copper-free Tetrazine-Alkene Ligation that allows to introduce a Biotin group for subsequent purification (via Tetrazine-containing Biotinylation Reagents) or a fluorescent group for subsequent microscopic imaging (via Tetrazine-containing Fluorescent Dyes).

They are suitable for DNA synthesis monitoring or RNA synthesis monitoring, respectively.

Products & Ordering
2-Vinyl-adenosine (2-VA) CLK-106 5-Vinyl-uridine (5-VU) CLK-049 5-Ethenyl-uridine
7-Deaza-vinyl-adenosine (7-dVA) CLK-107 5-Vinyl-2′-deoxyuridine (5-VdU) CLK-050 5-Ethenyl-2′-deoxyuridine

Methylcyclopropene-containing Click Reagents

Methylcyclopropene-containing monosaccharides can be used to attach methylcyclopropene groups to glycoconjugates via metabolic labeling [1-3] followed by subsequent labeling with Tetrazine-containing detection reagents via Cu(I)-free Tetrazine-Cyclopropene Ligation[4].

A number of CLICKable monosaccharides are available for metabolic glycan labeling.

Products & Ordering
Ac4GlcNCyoc CLK-042 N-Cyclopropeneacetylatedglucosamine-tetraacylated Ac4ManNCyoc CLK-041 N-Cyclopropeneacetylatedmannosamine-tetraacylated

Selected References

[1] Spaete et al. (2014) Expanding the scope of cyclopropene reporters for the detection of metabolically engineered glycoproteins by Diels–Alder reactions. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 10:2235.
[2] Spaete et al. (2014) Rapid labeling of metabolically engineered cell-surface glycoconjugates with a carbamate-linked cyclopropene reporter. Bioconj. Chem. 25:147.
[3] Patterson et al. (2014) Improved cyclopropene reporters for probing protein glycosylation. Mol. BioSyst. 10:1693.
[4] Patterson et al. (2012) Functionalized cyclopropenes as bioorthogonal chemical reporters. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134:18643.

TCO-containing Click Reagents

Bifunctional TCO-containing Reagents

Trans-Cyclooctene-containing bifunctional reagents can be used for the introduction of

  • functional group (e.g. Amine or NHS Ester) to Tetrazine-labeled molecules via Cu-free Click Chemistry
  • an Cyclooctene group to various targets e.g. via NHS Ester- or Maleimide-based chemistry

Table 1: Available Trans-Cyclooctene-containing Bifunctional Reagents


Functional GroupsTrans-Cyclooctene
NHS esterTCO-NHS ester TCO-PEG4-NHS ester
Amine (-NH2)TCO-Amine
Products & Ordering
TCO-NHS ester CLK-1016 trans-Cyclooctene-NHS ester TCO-PEG4-NHS ester CLK-A137 trans-Cyclooctene-PEG4-NHS ester
TCO-Amine CLK-1021 trans-Cyclooctene-Amine TCO-PEG3-Amine CLK-1188 trans-Cyclooctene-PEG3-Amine

Selected References:

Selvaraj et al. (2013) trans-Cyclooctene – a stable voracious dienophile for bioorthogonal labeling. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 17:753.

Trans-Cyclooctene-containing nucleotides can be attached to Tetrazine-tagged biomolecules via Cu-free Click Chemistry.

Products & Ordering
5-TCO-PEG4-dUTP CLK-035 5-trans-Cyclooctene-PEG4-dUTP

TCO Agarose is suitable to covalently capture Tetrazine-tagged biomolecules via Cu-free Click Chemistry. The proteins of interest need to be metabolically, enzymatically or chemically Tetrazine-tagged.

Products & Ordering
TCO Agarose CLK-1198

DBCO-containing Click Reagents

Dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO)*-containing fluorescent dyes can be used for the fluorescent labeling of Azide-tagged biomolecules via Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC). Both Standard Dyes (e.g. Cy3, Tamra or Texas Red) and novel Alternative Dyes have been thoroughly selected to cover the whole UV-Vis spectrum.

*DBCO is also known as ADIBO (= Azadibenzocyclooctyne)

Table 1: Available DBCO-containing Fluorescent Dyes

Emission colour Dye Product
blue-green ATTO 425 DBCO-PEG4-ATTO-425
green BDP-FL (also known as BODIPY® FL) BDP-FL-PEG4-DBCO
5/6-Fluorescein (5/6-FAM) DBCO-PEG4-5/6-FAM
AF488 (also known as Alexa Fluor®488) DBCO-AF488
5/6-Carboxyrhodamine 110 DBCO-PEG4-5/6-Carboxyrhodamine 110
yellow 5/6-TAMRA DBCO-PEG4-5/6-TAMRA
Sulfo-Cy3 DBCO-Sulfo-Cy3
AF546 (also known as Alexa Fluor®546) DBCO-AF546
AF555 (structural analog to Alexa Fluor®555) DBCO-AF555
orange AF594 (also known as Alexa Fluor®594) DBCO-AF594
red Sulfo-Cy5 DBCO-Sulfo-Cy5
AF647 (structural analog to Alexa Fluor®647) DBCO-AF647
Cy5.5 DBCO-Cy5.5
Products & Ordering
DBCO-PEG4-ATTO-425 CLK-085 Abs/Em = 436/484 nm Dibenzylcyclooctyne-PEG4-ATTO-425 BDP-FL-PEG4-DBCO CLK-040 also known as BODIPY® FL-PEG4-DBCO Abs/Em = 503/512 nm
DBCO-PEG4-5/6-FAM CLK-051 Abs/Em = 492/517 nm Dibenzylcyclooctyne-PEG4-5/6-FAM DBCO-AF488 CLK-1278 Abs/Em = 494/517 nm also known as Alexa Fluor® 488-DBCO
DBCO-PEG4-ATTO-488 CLK-052 Abs/Em = 501/523 nm Dibenzylcyclooctyne-PEG4-ATTO-488 DBCO-PEG4-5/6-Carboxyrhodamine 110 CLK-A127 Abs/Em = 501/526 nm Dibenzylcyclooctyne-PEG4-5/6-Carboxyrhodamine 110
DBCO-PEG4-5/6-TAMRA CLK-A131 Abs/Em = 560/565 nm Dibenzylcyclooctyne-PEG4-5/6-Tetramethylrhodamine DBCO-Sulfo-Cy3 CLK-A140 Abs/Em = 553/563 nm Dibenzylcyclooctyne-Sulfo-Cy3
DBCO-AF546 CLK-1286 Abs/Em = 554/570 nm also known as Alexa Fluor® 546-DBCO DBCO-AF555 CLK-093 Abs/Em = 555/572 nm structural analog to Alexa Fluor® 555
DBCO-AF594 CLK-1298 Abs/Em = 590/617 nm also known as Alexa Fluor® 594-DBCO DBCO-Sulfo-Cy5 CLK-A130 Abs/Em = 646/661 nm Dibenzylcyclooctyne-Sulfo-Cy5
DBCO-AF647 CLK-1302 Abs/Em = 648/671 nm structural analog to Alexa Fluor® 647 DBCO-Cy5.5 CLK-1046 Abs/Em = 678/694 nm Dibenzylcyclooctyne-Cy5.5

Dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO)*-containing (desthio) biotinylation reagents can be used for the labeling of Azide-tagged biomolecules via Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC).

A number of (desthio) biotinylation reagents with

    • different solubility characteristics (PEG- and Sulfo-linker for increased molecule solubility)
  • different cleavability characteristics (chemically or photocleavable linke)

are available to fit specific application & molecule requirements.

*DBCO is also known as ADIBO (= Azadibenzocyclooctyne) or DIBAC (= Dibenzoazacyclooctyne)

Table 1: Available DBCO-containing (Desthio) Biotinylation Reagents

BiotinDBCO-PEG4-Biotin Sulfo-DBCO-Biotin
Biotin with chemically cleavable linkerDiazo Biotin-DBCO Dde Biotin-DBCO
Biotin with photocleavable linkerPhotocleavable Biotin-DBCO
Products & Ordering
DBCO-PEG4-Biotin Conjugate CLK-A105P4 Dibenzylcyclooctyne-PEG4-Biotin Conjugate Sulfo-DBCO-Biotin Conjugate CLK-A116 Sulfo-Dibenzylcyclooctyne-Biotin Conjugate
Diazo Biotin-DBCO CLK-1043 Dde Biotin-DBCO CLK-1138
DBCO-PEG4-Desthiobiotin CLK-1108 Dibenzylcyclooctyne-PEG4-Desthiobiotin Photocleavable Biotin-DBCO CLK-1120

Dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO)*-containing FLAG tag reagents can be used for the introduction of a FLAG-tag to Azide-tagged biomolecules via Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC). Molecule solubility and efficient FLAG-tag detection is ensured by the integrated PEG-linker.

*DBCO is also known as ADIBO (= Azadibenzocyclooctyne) or DIBAC (= Dibenzoazacyclooctyne)

Products & Ordering
DBCO-PEG4-FLAG CLK-033 Dibenzylcyclooctyne-PEG4-FLAGtag (DYKDDDDK)

Selected References

[1] Hopp et al. (1988) A Short Polypeptide Marker Sequence Useful for Recombinant Protein Identification and Purification. Bio/Technology 6:1204.
[2] Einhauer et al. (2001) The FLAG peptide, a versatile fusion tag for the purification of recombinant proteins. J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 49:455.
[3] Brizzard et al. (1997) Epitope tagging of recombinant proteins. Current Protocols in Neuroscience:5.8.1.

Dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO)*-containing bifunctional reagents can be used for the introduction of

  • functional group to Azide-labeled molecules via Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC)
  • an DBCO group to various targets e.g. via NHS Ester- or Maleimide-based chemistry

*DBCO is also known as ADIBO (= Azadibenzocyclooctyne) or DIBAC (= Dibenzoazacyclooctyne)

Table 1: Available DBCO-containing Bifunctional Reagents

Functional GroupsDBCOFunctional GroupsDBCO
NHS esterDBCO-NHS ester DBCO-PEG4-NHS ester DBCO-Sulfo-NHS esterAcid (-COOH)DBCO-Acid
MaleimideDBCO-Maleimide DBCO-PEG4-MaleimideAmine (-NH2)DBCO-Amine DBCO-PEG4-Amine
Products & Ordering
DBCO-NHS ester CLK-A133 Dibenzylcyclooctyne-NHS ester DBCO-PEG4-NHS ester CLK-A134 Dibenzylcyclooctyne-PEG4-NHS ester
DBCO-Sulfo-NHS ester (sodium salt) CLK-A124 Sulfo-Dibenzylcyclooctyne-NHS ester DBCO-Maleimide CLK-A108 Dibenzylcyclooctyne-Maleimide
DBCO-PEG4-Maleimide CLK-A108P Dibenzylcyclooctyne-PEG4-Maleimide DBCO-PEG3-Alcohol CLK-A104PN Dibenzylcyclooctyne-PEG3-Alcohol
DBCO-Acid CLK-A101N Dibenzylcyclooctyne-Acid DBCO-Amine CLK-A103 Dibenzylcyclooctyne-Amine
DBCO-PEG4-Amine CLK-A103P Dibenzylcyclooctyne-PEG4-Amine

Dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO)*-modified polyethylene glycol (PEG) polymers can be used for the introduction of a PEG moiety (“PEGylation”) to Azide-tagged biomolecules via Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC), respectively.

PEGylation of biomolecules such as proteins increases their water solubility and often improves their pharmacokinetic properties e.g. by a reduced immunogenicity and antigenicity.

*DBCO is also known as ADIBO (= Azadibenzocyclooctyne) or DIBAC (= Dibenzoazacyclooctyne)

Products & Ordering

Dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO)*-containing nucleotides can be attached to Azide-tagged biomolecules via Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC).

Search for nucleotides that are suitable for enzymatic click functionalization of DNA or enzymatic click functionalization of RNA

*DBCO is also known as ADIBO (= Azadibenzocyclooctyne) or DIBAC (= Dibenzoazacyclooctyne)

Products & Ordering

Dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO)*-containing nucleosides can be attached to Azide-tagged biomolecules via Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC).

*DBCO is also known as ADIBO (= Azadibenzocyclooctyne) or DIBAC (= Dibenzoazacyclooctyne)

Products & Ordering
5-Dibenzylcyclooctyne-2′-deoxyuridine (5-DBCO-dU) CLK-082 5-Dibenzylcyclooctyne-dU

Dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO)* Agarose is suitable to covalently capture Azide-tagged biomolecules via Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC).

The proteins of interest need to be metabolically, enzymatically or chemically azide-tagged. Subsequently, the DBCO Agarose containing the covalently attached proteins can be washed with high stringency, virtually eliminating any non-specifically bound proteins.

*DBCO is also known as ADIBO (= Azadibenzocyclooctyne) or DIBAC (= Dibenzoazacyclooctyne)

Products & Ordering
DBCO Agarose CLK-1034

Dibenzocyclooctyne (DBCO)* Magnetic Beads are suitable to covalently capture Azide-tagged biomolecules onto magnetic beads via Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC).

The proteins of interest need to be metabolically, enzymatically or chemically azide-tagged. Subsequently, the DBCO Magnetic Beads containing the covalently attached proteins can be washed with high stringency, virtually eliminating any non-specifically bound proteins.

*DBCO is also known as ADIBO (= Azadibenzocyclooctyne) or DIBAC (= Dibenzoazacyclooctyne)

Products & Ordering
DBCO Magnetic Beads CLK-1037

Alkyne-containing Click Reagents

Alkyne-containing Fluorescent dyes can be used for the fluorescent labeling of Azide-tagged molecules via a Cu(I)-catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Click Chemistry reaction (CuAAC).

Standard Dyes (e.g. Cy3, Tamra or Texas Red) have been thoroughly selected to cover the whole UV-Vis spectrum.

Table 1: Available Alkyne-containing Fluorescent Dyes

Emission colour Dye Product
green BDP-FL (also known as BODIPY® FL) Alkyne – BDP-FL
5-FAM 5-FAM-Alkyne
6-FAM 6-FAM-Alkyne
AF488 (also known as Alexa Fluor®488) AF488-Alkyne
5/6-Carboxyrhodamine 110 5/6-Carboxyrhodamine 110-PEG4-Alkyne
yellow 5-TAMRA 5-TAMRA-Alkyne
5/6-TAMRA 5/6-TAMRA-PEG4-Alkyne
Sulfo-Cy3 Sulfo-Cy3-Alkyne
AF546 (also known as Alexa Fluor®546) AF546-Alkyne
AF555 (structural analog to Alexa Fluor®555) AF555-Alkyne
orange 5/6-Texas Red 5/6-Texas Red-PEG4-Alkyne
AF594 (also known as Alexa Fluor®594) AF594-Alkyne
red Sulfo-Cy5 Sulfo-Cy5-Alkyne
AF647 (also known as Alexa Fluor®647) AF647-Alkyne
Cy5.5 Cy5.5-Alkyne
near-IR Cy7 Cy7-Alkyne
Products & Ordering
Alkyne-BDP-FL CLK-045 Abs/Em = 503/512 nm also known as Alkyne-BODIPY® FL 5-FAM-Alkyne CLK-057 Abs/Em = 490/513 nm 5-Fluorescein-Alkyne
6-FAM-Alkyne CLK-058 Abs/Em = 490/513 nm 6-Fluorescein-Alkyne AF488-Alkyne CLK-1277 Abs/Em = 494/517 nm also known as Alexa Fluor® 488-Alkyne
5/6-Carboxyrhodamine 110-PEG4-Alkyne CLK-TA106 Abs/Em = 501/525 nm Acetylene-Fluor 488 5-TAMRA-Alkyne CLK-059 Abs/Em = 556/563 nm 5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine-Alkyne
5/6-TAMRA-PEG4-Alkyne CLK-TA108 Abs/Em = 546/565 nm 5/6-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine-PEG4-Alkyne, Acetylene-Fluor 545 Sulfo-Cy3-Alkyne CLK-TA117 Abs/Em = 553/566 nm
AF546-Alkyne CLK-1285 Abs/Em = 554/570 nm also known as Alexa Fluor® 546-Alkyne AF555-Alkyne CLK-092 Abs/Em = 555/572 nm structural analog to Alexa Fluor® 555
5/6-Texas Red-PEG4-Alkyne CLK-TA110 Abs/Em = 584/603 nm 5/6-Sulforhodamine 101-PEG4-Alkyne, Acetylene-Fluor 585 AF594-Alkyne CLK-1297 Abs/Em = 590/617 nm also known as Alexa Fluor® 594-Alkyne
Sulfo-Cy5-Alkyne CLK-TA116 Abs/Em = 647/663 nm AF647-Alkyne CLK-1301 Abs/Em = 648/671 nm structural analog to Alexa Fluor® 647
Cy5.5-Alkyne CLK-1060 Abs/Em = 678/694 nm Cy7-Alkyne CLK-1053 Abs/Em = 753/775 nm

Alkyne-containing (desthio) biotinylation reagents can be used for the labeling of Azide-tagged biomolecules via a Cu(I)-catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Click Chemistry reaction (CuAAC).

A number of (desthio) biotinylation reagents with

    • improved solubility & detection characteristics (PEG-linker for increased molecule solubility & optimal streptavidin binding)
  • different cleavability characteristics (chemically or photocleavable linker)

are available to fit specific application & molecule requirements.

Table 1: Available Alkyne-containing (Desthio) Biotinylation Reagents

Biotin with chemically cleavable linkerDiazo Biotin-Alkyne Dde Biotin-Alkyne
Biotin with photocleavable linkerPhotocleavable Biotin-Alkyne
Products & Ordering
Acetylene-PEG4-Biotin CLK-TA105 Diazo Biotin-Alkyne CLK-1042
Dde Biotin-Alkyne CLK-1137 Photocleavable Biotin-Alkyne CLK-1118
Acetylene-PEG4-Desthiobiotin CLK-1109
Products & Ordering
Alkyne-PEG4-FLAG CLK-088 Alkyne-PEG4-FLAGtag (DYKDDDDK)

Selected References

[1] Hopp et al. (1988) A Short Polypeptide Marker Sequence Useful for Recombinant Protein Identification and Purification. Bio/Technology 6:1204.
[2] Einhauer et al. (2001) The FLAG peptide, a versatile fusion tag for the purification of recombinant proteins. J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 49:455.
[3] Brizzard et al. (1997) Epitope tagging of recombinant proteins. Current Protocols in Neuroscience:5.8.1.

Alkyne-containing reagents can be used for the introduction of

  • functional group to Azide-labeled molecules via a Cu(I)-catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Click Chemistry reaction (CuAAC)
  • an Alkyne group to various targets e.g. via NHS Ester- or Maleimide-based chemistry

Table 1: Available Alkyne-containing Bifunctional Reagents

Reactive GroupAlkyne
NHS esterPropargyl-NHS ester Acetylene-PEG4-NHS ester
MaleimidePropargyl-Maleimide Acetylene-PEG4-Maleimide
Acid (-COOH)Acetylene-PEG4-Acid
Amine (-NH2)Acetylene-PEG4-Amine
Products & Ordering
Propargyl-NHS ester CLK-TA111 Acetylene-PEG4-NHS ester CLK-TA103N
Propargyl-Maleimide CLK-TA113 Acetylene-PEG4-Maleimide CLK-TA104
Acetylene-PEG4-Acid CLK-TA102N Acetylene-PEG4-Amine CLK-TA101

Alkyne-containing nucleotides can be attached to Azide-tagged biomolecules or incorporated into DNA, RNA or proteins followed by subsequent labeling with Azide-containing reporter molecules via a Cu(I)-catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Click Chemistry reaction (CuAAC).

Search for nucleotides that are suitable for enzymatic click functionalization of DNA or enzymatic click functionalization of RNA

Products & Ordering
N6-Propargyl-ATP (N6pATP) CLK-NU-001 γ-Propargyl-ATP CLK-T10
γ-[(Propargyl)-imido]-ATP CLK-T11 2-Ethynyl-ATP (2-EATP) CLK-NU-004
C8-Alkyne-dCTP CLK-T06 C8-Alkyne-dUTP CLK-T05
5-Ethynyl-UTP (5-EUTP) CLK-T08 5-Ethynyl-dUTP (5-EdUTP) CLK-T07
3′-(O-Propargyl)-ATP NU-945 3′-(O-Propargyl)-GTP NU-946
3′-(O-Propargyl)-CTP NU-947 3′-(O-Propargyl)-UTP NU-948
pCp-Alkyne NU-1709

Alkyne-containing nucleosides can be labeled with Azide-containing reporter molecules via a Cu(I)-catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Click Chemistry reaction (CuAAC).

A number of cell-permeable CLICK-functionalized nucleosides are suitable for:

DNA synthesis monitoring,
RNA synthesis monitoring,
the analysis of poly A tail dynamics or
Protein synthesis monitoring.

Products & Ordering
2-Ethynyl-adenosine CLK-N005 7-Deaza-7-ethynyl-2′-deoxyadenosine (EdA) CLK-099
N6-Propargyl-adenosine CLK-N004 O-Propargyl-puromycin NU-931
2-Ethynyl-Adenosine-NAD+ CLK-043 (2-EA-NAD+) 5-Ethynyl-cytidine (5-EC) CLK-087
5-Ethynyl-2′-deoxycytidine (5-EdC) CLK-N003 6-O-Propynyl-2′-deoxyguanosine CLK-108 (PdG)
5-Ethynyl-uridine (5-EU) CLK-N002 5-Ethynyl-2′-deoxyuridine (5-EdU) CLK-N001
(2’S)-2′-Deoxy-2′-fluoro-5-ethynyluridine (F-ara-EdU) CLK-1403

Alkyne-containing amino acids can be labeled with Azide-containing reporter molecules via a Cu(I)-catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Click Chemistry reaction (CuAAC).

A number of cell-permeable Click-functionalized amino acids are randomly incorporated instead of methionine during translation and are therefore suitable for residue selective protein synthesis monitoring.

Products & Ordering
L-Homopropargylglycine (L-HPG) CLK-1067

Alkyne Agarose is suitable to covalently capture Azide-tagged biomolecules by a Cu(I)-catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Click chemistry reaction (CuAAC). The proteins of interest need to be metabolically, enzymatically or chemically Azide-tagged. Subsequently, the Alkyne Agarose containing the covalently attached proteins can be washed with high stringency, virtually eliminating any non-specifically bound proteins.

Products & Ordering
Alkyne Agarose CLK-1032 PC Alkyne Agarose CLK-1142
Dde Alkyne Agarose CLK-1140 Click Chemistry Capture Kit CLK-1065

Alkyne Magnetic Beads are suitable to covalently capture Azide-tagged biomolecules onto magnetic beads by a Cu(I)-catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Click chemistry reaction (CuAAC).

The proteins of interest need to be metabolically, enzymatically or chemically azide-tagged. Subsequently, the Alkyne Magnetic Beads containing the covalently attached proteins can be washed with high stringency, virtually eliminating any non-specifically bound proteins.

Products & Ordering
Alkyne Magnetic Beads CLK-1035
Products & Ordering
5-Ethynyluracil CLK-089

Tetrazine-containing Click Reagents

Tetrazine-containing fluorescent dyes are suitable for fluorescent labeling of Cyclooctene-labeled molecules via Cu-free Click Chemistry. Both Standard Dyes (e.g. Cy3 or Tamra) and novel Alternative Dyes have been thoroughly selected to cover the whole UV-Vis spectrum.

Two Tetrazine versions with different reactivities and stability characteristics are available to meet specific application requirements. Tetrazine reagents are the ideal choice if a rapid reaction kinetic is the key aspect whereas 6-Methyl-Tetrazine reagents are ideally suited if an improved chemical stability is required1.

Products & Ordering
6-Methyl-Tetrazine-BDP-FL CLK-037 also known as 6-Methyl-Tetrazine-BODIPY® FL Abs/Em = 503/512 nm 6-Methyl-Tetrazine-5-FAM CLK-018 Abs/Em = 492/517 nm
Tetrazine-5-FAM CLK-013 Abs/Em = 492/517 nm Pyrimidyl-Tetrazine-5-FAM CLK-096 Abs/Em = 492/517 nm
Pyrimidyl-Tetrazine-AzDye488 CLK-103 Abs/Em = 494/517 nm 6-Methyl-Tetrazine-ATTO-488 CLK-021 Abs/Em = 501/523 nm
6-Methyl-Tetrazine-ATTO-488 CLK-021 Abs/Em = 501/523 nm 6-Methyl-Tetrazine-ATTO-532 CLK-022 Abs/Em = 532/553 nm
Tetrazine-ATTO-532 CLK-011 Abs/Em = 532/553 nm Pyrimidyl-Tetrazine-ATTO-532 CLK-105 Abs/Em = 532/553 nm
6-Methyl-Tetrazine-5-TAMRA CLK-019 Abs/Em = 545/575 nm Tetrazine-5-TAMRA CLK-017 Abs/Em = 545/575 nm
Pyrimidyl-Tetrazine-5-TAMRA CLK-097 Abs/Em = 545/575 nm Tetrazine-Cy3 CLK-014 Abs/Em = 550/570 nm
Pyrimidyl-Tetrazine-Cy3 CLK-100 Abs/Em = 550/570 nm 6-Methyl-Tetrazine-Sulfo-Cy3 CLK-1018 Abs/Em = 553/566 nm
Pyrimidyl-Tetrazine-AzDye555 CLK-098 Abs/Em = 555/572 nm Pyrimidyl-Tetrazine-ATTO-643 CLK-101 Abs/Em = 643/665 nm
Tetrazine-Cy5 CLK-015 Abs/Em = 649/670 nm 6-Methyl-Tetrazine-Sulfo-Cy5 CLK-1019 Abs/Em = 647/663 nm
6-Methyl-Tetrazine-ATTO-647N CLK-020 Abs/Em = 644/669 nm Tetrazine-ATTO-647N CLK-012 Abs/Em = 644/669 nm
Pyrimidyl-Tetrazine-ATTO-647N CLK-104 Abs/Em = 644/669 nm Pyrimidyl-Tetrazine-AzDye647 CLK-102 Abs/Em = 648/671 nm

Selected References

[1] Karver et al. (2011) Synthesis and Evaluation of a Series of 1,2,4,5-Tetrazines for Bioorthogonal Conjugations. Am. Chem. Soc. 22:2263.

Tetrazine-containing biotinylation reagents can be used for the labeling of cyclooctene (e.g. TCO) via Cu(I)-free Click Chemistry.

Two Tetrazine versions with different reactivities and stability characteristics are available to meet specific application requirements. Tetrazine reagents are the ideal choice if a rapid reaction kinetic is the key aspect whereas 6-Methyl-Tetrazine reagents are ideally suited if an improved chemical stability is required [1]. Both biotinylation reagents contain a PEG linker for increased molecule solubility and optimal streptavidin binding.

Products & Ordering
6-Methyl-Tetrazine-PEG4-Biotin CLK-028 Tetrazine-PEG4-Biotin CLK-027

Selected References

[1] Karver et al. (2011) Synthesis and Evaluation of a Series of 1,2,4,5-Tetrazines for Bioorthogonal Conjugations. Am. Chem. Soc. 22:2263.

Tetrazine-containing reagents are suitable for the introduction of

  • functional group (e.g. Amine or NHS Ester) to Cyclooctene-labeled molecules via Cu-free Click Chemistry
  • an Tetrazine group to various targets e.g. via NHS Ester- or Maleimide-based chemistry

Two Tetrazine versions with different reactivities and stability characteristics are available to meet specific application requirements. Tetrazine reagents are the ideal choice if a rapid reaction kinetic is the key aspect whereas 6-Methyl-Tetrazine reagents are ideally suited if an improved chemical stability is required[1].

Table 1: Available Tetrazine-containing Bifunctional Reagents

Functional Groups6-Methyl-TetrazineTetrazine
NHS ester6-Methyl-Tetrazine-PEG5-NHS esterTetrazine-PEG5-NHS ester
Amine (-NH2)6-Methyl-Tetrazine-AmineTetrazine-Amine

Selected References

[1] Karver et al. (2011) Synthesis and Evaluation of a Series of 1,2,4,5-Tetrazines for Bioorthogonal Conjugations. Am. Chem. Soc. 22:2263.

Products & Ordering
6-Methyl-Tetrazine-PEG5-NHS ester CLK-A138 Tetrazine-PEG5-NHS ester CLK-023 6-Methyl-Tetrazine-PEG4-Azide CLK-1014N
6-Methyl-Tetrazine-PEG5-Alkyne CLK-1013 Tetrazine-PEG4-Alkyne CLK-095 Sulfo-6-Methyl-Tetrazine-DBCO CLK-1022 Sulfo-6-Methyl-Tetrazine-Dibenzylcyclooctyne
6-Methyl-Tetrazine-Amine (Acetate) CLK-002 6-Methyl-Tetrazine-Amine (HCl salt) CLK-1011 Tetrazine-Amine (HCl salt) CLK-1130

Tetrazine Agarose is suitable to covalently capture TCO-tagged biomolecules via Cu-free Click Chemistry. The proteins of interest need to be metabolically, enzymatically or chemically TCO-tagged.

Products & Ordering
Methyl-Tetrazine Agarose CLK-1199N

Norbornene-containing Click Reagents

Products & Ordering
3-Norbornene-L-serine CLK-109 2-amino-3-{bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-en-2-yl}-3-hydroxypropanoic acid

The efficiency of a copper (Cu(I))-catalyzed Azide-Alkyne click chemistry reaction (CuAAC) strongly depends on the presence of copper ions in the +1 oxidation state (Cu(I)).

Different copper catalyst sources, reduction reagents and Cu(I) stabilizing ligands are available however, for most bioconjugation applications the combination of CuSO4 as copper catalyst source, sodium ascorbate as a reduction reagent and a water-soluble Cu(I) stabilizing ligand such as THPTA[1,2] or BTTAA[3,4] is recommended.

An optimal balance between reaction speed and Cu(I) concentration can be achieved using THPTA or BTTAA in combination with Picolyl-Azide detection reagents (Picolyl-Azides of Biotin or Picolyl-Azides of fluorescent dyes) that contain an additional internal copper chelating moiety[4].

Presolski et. al.[1] (Download pdf) and Hong et. al.[2] (Download pdf & supplemental information) provide a general protocol for CuAAC reactions that may be used as a starting point for the set up and optimization of individual assays.

Single Substances

  • Copper (Cu) catalyst: CuSO4
  • Reduction reagent: Sodium Ascorbate
  • Cu(I) stabilizing Ligand: THPTA
  • Cu(I) stabilizing Ligand: BTTAA

Reaction Kits

  • CuAAC Reaction Ligand Test Kit (THPTA & BTTAA based)
  • CuAAC Cell Reaction Buffer Kit (THPTA based)
  • CuAAC Cell Reaction Buffer Kit (BTTAA based)
  • CuAAC Biomolecule Reaction Buffer Kit (THPTA based)
  • CuAAC Biomolecule Reaction Buffer Kit (BTTAA based)
  • Click Chemistry Capture Kit
Products & Ordering
CuSO4 – click chemistry grade CLK-MI004 (Copper(II)-Sulphate) Na-Ascorbate – click chemistry grade CLK-MI005
THPTA CLK-1010 Tris((1-hydroxy-propyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)amine BTTAA CLK-067 2-(4-((bis((1-(tert-butyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl)amino)methyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)acetic acid
Click Chemistry Capture Kit CLK-1065 CuAAC Biomolecule Reaction Buffer Kit (BTTAA based) CLK-071
CuAAC Biomolecule Reaction Buffer Kit (THPTA based) CLK-072 CuAAC Cell Reaction Buffer Kit (BTTAA based) CLK-073
CuAAC Cell Reaction Buffer Kit (THPTA based) CLK-074 CuAAC Reaction Ligand Test Kit (THPTA & BTTAA based) CLK-075

Selected references:

[1] Presolski et al. (2011) Copper-Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Click Chemistry for Bioconjugation. Current Protocols in Chemical Biology 3:153.
[2] Hong et al. (2011) Analysis and Optimization of Copper-Catalyzed Azide-Alkyne Cycloaddition for Bioconjugation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48:9879.
[3] Besanceney-Webler et al. (2011) Increasing the Efficiacy of Bioorthogonal Click Reactions for Bioconjugation: A Comparative Study. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 50:8051.
[4] Uttamapinant et al. (2012) Fast, Cell-Compatible Click Chemistry with Copper-Chelating Azides for Biomolecular Labeling. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51:5852.

Azide-containing Click Reagents

(Picolyl-) Azides of fluorescent dyes can be used for the fluorescent labeling of terminal Alkyne and strained Alknye (e.g DBCO)-labeled molecules via Cu(I)-catalyzed Alknye-Azide (CUAAC) or Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC) reaction, respectively.

Standard Dyes such as Cy3, Tamra or Texas Red have been thoroughly selected to cover the whole UV-Vis spectrum. Novel Alternative Dyes are available as well.

Table 1: Available (Picolyl-) Azide-containing Fluorescent Dyes

Emission colour Dye Azide
blue 3-Azido-7-hydroxycoumarin 3-Azido-7-hydroxycoumarin
green BDP-FL (also known as BODIPY® FL) Azide – BDP-FL
5-Fluorescein (5-FAM) 5-FAM-Azide
6-Fluorescein (6-FAM) 6-FAM-Azide
5/6-Fluorescein (5/6-FAM) Picolyl-Azide-5/6-FAM
AzDye488  AzDye488-Azide
5/6-Carboxyrhodamine 110 5/6-Carboxyrhodamine 110-PEG3-Azide
yellow- green 5-SIMA 5-SIMA-Azide
yellow 5-TAMRA 5-TAMRA-Azide
5/6-TAMRA 5/6-TAMRA-PEG3-Azide
Cy3 Cy3-Azide
Sulfo-Cy3 Sulfo-Cy3-Azide
AzDye546 AzDye546-Azide
AzDye555  AzDyeDye555-Azide
orange 5/6-Texas Red 5/6-Texas Red-PEG3-Azide
AzDye594  AzDye594-Azide
red Cy5 Cy5-Azide
Sulfo-Cy5 Sulfo-Cy5-Azide
AzDye647  AzDye647-Azide
Cy5.5 Cy5.5-Azide
near-IR Cy7 Picolyl-Azide-Cy7
Products & Ordering
3-Azido-7-hydroxycoumarin CLK-FA047 Abs/Em = 404/477 nm Azide-BDP-FL CLK-044 Abs/Em = 503/512 nm also known as Azide-BODIPY® FL
5-FAM-Azide CLK-80101 Abs/Em = 494/520 nm 5-Fluorescein-Azide 6-FAM-Azide CLK-80105 Abs/Em = 496/516 nm 6-Fluorescein-Azide
Picolyl-Azide-5/6-FAM CLK-1180 Abs/Em = 490/510 nm AzDye488-Azide CLK-1275 Abs/Em = 494/517 nm 
AzDye488-Picolyl-Azide CLK-1276 Abs/Em = 494/517 nm 5/6-Carboxyrhodamine 110-PEG3-Azide CLK-AZ105 Abs/Em = 501/525 nm Azide-Fluor 488
5-SIMA-Azide CLK-80103 Abs/Em = 533/557 nm 5-TAMRA-Azide CLK-FA008 Abs/Em = 546/579 nm 5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine-Azide
5/6-TAMRA-PEG3-Azide CLK-AZ109 Abs/Em = 546/565 nm 5/6-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine-PEG3-Azide, Azide-Fluor 545 Picolyl-Azide-5/6-TAMRA CLK-1179 Abs/Em = 553/565 nm
Cy3-Azide CLK-046 Abs/Em = 555/570 nm Sulfo-Cy3-Azide CLK-AZ119 Abs/Em = 553/566 nm
Picolyl-Azide-Sulfo-Cy3 CLK-1178 Abs/Em = 555/565 nm AzDye546-Azide CLK-1283 Abs/Em = 554/570 nm also known as AzDye 546-Azide
AzDye546-Picolyl-Azide CLK-1284 Abs/Em = 554/570 nm AzDye555-Azide CLK-090 Abs/Em = 555/572 nm structural analog to AzDye 555
AzDye555-Picolyl-Azide CLK-091 Abs/Em = 555/572 nm structural analog to AzDye 555 5/6-Texas Red-PEG3-Azide CLK-AZ110 Abs/Em = 584/603 nm 5/6-Sulforhodamine 101-PEG3-Azide, Azide-Fluor 585
AzDye594-Azide CLK-1295 Abs/Em = 590/617 nm  AzDye594-Picolyl-Azide CLK-1296 Abs/Em = 590/617 nm also known as AzDye 594-Picolyl-Azide
Cy5-Azide CLK-047 Abs/Em = 646/662 nm Sulfo-Cy5-Azide CLK-AZ118 Abs/Em = 647/663 nm
Picolyl-Azide-Sulfo-Cy5 CLK-1177 Abs/Em = 647/663 nm AzDye647-Azide CLK-1299 Abs/Em = 648/671 nm structural analog to AzDye 647
AzDye647-Picolyl-Azide CLK-1300 Abs/Em = 648/671 nm structural analog to AzDye 647 Cy5.5-Azide CLK-1059 Abs/Em = 678/694 nm
Picolyl-Azide-Cy5.5 CLK-1182 Abs/Em = 678/694 nm Picolyl-Azide-Cy7 CLK-1183 Abs/Em = 753/775 nm

(Picolyl-) Azides of (desthio) biotinylation reagents can be used for the labeling of terminal Alkyne- and strained Alkyne (e.g. DBCO)-labeled biomolecules via Cu(I)-catalyzed Alknye-Azide (CUAAC) or Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC) reaction, respectively.

A number of (desthio) biotinylation reagents with

    • different solubility characteristics (PEG-linker for increased molecule solubility)
  • different cleavability characteristics (chemically or photocleavable linker)

are available to fit specific application & molecule requirements.

Table 1: Available (Picolyl) Azide-containing (Desthio) Biotinylation Reagents

Label(Picolyl) Azide
BiotinAzide-PEG3-Biotin Biotin-Azide Picolyl-Azide-PEG4-Biotin
Biotin with chemically cleavable linkerDiazo Biotin-Azide Dde Biotin-Azide Disulfide Biotin-Azide DADPS Biotin-Azide
Biotin with photocleavable linkerPhotocleavable Biotin-Azide
Products & Ordering
Azide-PEG3-Biotin Conjugate CLK-AZ104P4 Biotin-Azide CLK-1265 PEG4-carboxamide-6-azidohexanyl-Biotin Picolyl-Azide-PEG4-Biotin CLK-1167
Diazo Biotin-Azide CLK-1041 Dde Biotin-Azide CLK-1136 Disulfide Biotin-Azide CLK-1168
DADPS Biotin-Azide CLK-1330 Photocleavable Biotin-Azide CLK-1119 Azide-PEG3-Desthiobiotin CLK-1107

Azide-containing FLAG tag reagents can be used for the introduction of a FLAG-tag to terminal Alkyne and strained Alkyne (e.g. DBCO)-labeled biomolecules via Cu(I)-catalyzed Alknye-Azide (CUAAC) or Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC) reaction, respectively.

Molecule solubility and efficient FLAG-tag detection is ensured by the integrated PEG-linker.


Products & Ordering

Selected References

[1] Hopp et al. (1988) A Short Polypeptide Marker Sequence Useful for Recombinant Protein Identification and Purification. Bio/Technology 6:1204.
[2] Einhauer et al. (2001) The FLAG peptide, a versatile fusion tag for the purification of recombinant proteins. J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 49:455.
[3] Brizzard et al. (1997) Epitope tagging of recombinant proteins. Current Protocols in Neuroscience:5.8.1.

Azide-containing bifunctional reagents are suitable for the introduction of

  • functional group to terminal Alkyne-tagged or strained Alkyne (e.g. DBCO)-tagged molecules via Cu(I)-catalyzed Alknye-Azide (CUAAC) or Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC) reaction, respectively
  • an Azide group to various targets e.g. via NHS Ester- or Maleimide-based chemistry

Table 1: Available Azide-containing Bifunctional Reagents

Functional GroupAzide
NHS esterAzido-PEG4-NHS ester Azidoacetic Acid NHS ester
Acid (-COOH)Azido-PEG4-Acid
Amine (-NH2)Azido-PEG3-Amine Azido-Propylamine
Products & Ordering
Azido-PEG4-NHS ester CLK-AZ103 Azidoacetic Acid NHS ester CLK-1070
Azido-PEG3-Maleimide Preparation Kit CLK-AZ107 Azido-PEG4-Acid CLK-AZ102
Azido-PEG3-Amine CLK-AZ101 Azido-Propylamine CLK-AZ115

TAMRA-Azide-Biotin is a trifunctional biotinylation reagent that is suitable for the simultaneous labeling of terminal Alkyne- or strained Alkyne (e.g. DBCO = ADIBO)-tagged biomolecules with both a Biotin and a Fluorescent moiety (Fig. 1).

The Azide moiety (1st function) enables the attachment to terminal Alkyne- or strained Alkyne (e.g. DBCO)-tagged molecules via Cu(I)-catalyzed Alknye-Azide (CUAAC) or Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC) reaction, respectively. The Biotin moiety (2nd function) allows the subsequent affinity purification/immobilization of the labeled molecule with Streptavidin Agarose. Optimal streptavidin binding is ensured by the introduction of hydrophilic PEG spacers that increase the water solubility and reduce steric hindrance. The carboxytetramethylrhodamine (TAMRA) fluorophore (3rd function) can be used for the sensitive detection of the immobilized protein.

Figure 1: Chemical structure of TAMRA-Azide-Biotin. 1. Azide moiety, 2. Biotin moiety, 3. TAMRA moiety.

Products & Ordering
5/6-TAMRA-Azide-Biotin CLK-1048 Abs/Em = 546/565 nm 5/6-TAMRA-Azide-Desthiobiotin CLK-1110


Azide-containing nucleotides can be attached to terminal Alkyne- or strained Alkyne (e.g. DBCO)-tagged biomolecules via Cu(I)-catalyzed Alknye-Azide (CUAAC) or Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC) reaction, respectively.

Search for nucleotides that are suitable for
enzymatic click functionalization of DNA or enzymatic click functionalization of RNA.

Products & Ordering
AzTMP NU-1601 Zidovudine monophosphate, Sodium Salt AzTTP NU-989 Zidovudine triphosphate


Azide-containing nucleotides can be attached to terminal Alkyne- or strained Alkyne (e.g. DBCO)-tagged biomolecules via Cu(I)-catalyzed Alknye-Azide (CUAAC) or Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC) reaction, respectively.

Search for nucleotides that are suitable for
enzymatic click functionalization of DNA or enzymatic click functionalization of RNA.

Products & Ordering
5-Azido-PEG4-CTP CLK-053 5-Azido-PEG4-dCTP CLK-070
3′-Azido-3′-dCTP NU-993 pCp-Azide NU-1708


Azide-containing nucleotides can be attached to terminal Alkyne- or strained Alkyne (e.g. DBCO)-tagged biomolecules via Cu(I)-catalyzed Alknye-Azide (CUAAC) or Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC) reaction, respectively.

Search for nucleotides that are suitable for
enzymatic click functionalization of DNA or enzymatic click functionalization of RNA.

Products & Ordering
3′-Azido-3′-dUTP NU-992 3′-Azido-2’,3′-ddUTP NU-251
5-Azido-PEG4-UTP CLK-054 5-Azido-C3-UTP NU-157
5-Azidomethyl-UTP CLK-083 5-Azidomethyl-dUTP CLK-084
Azide-PEG4-aminoallyl-dUTP NU-1705


Azide-containing nucleotides can be attached to terminal Alkyne- or strained Alkyne (e.g. DBCO)-tagged biomolecules via Cu(I)-catalyzed Alknye-Azide (CUAAC) or Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC) reaction, respectively.

Search for nucleotides that are suitable for
enzymatic click functionalization of DNA or enzymatic click functionalization of RNA.

Products & Ordering
3′-Azido-3′-dGTP NU-991 3′-Azido-2’,3′-ddGTP NU-999


Azide-containing nucleotides can be attached to terminal Alkyne- or strained Alkyne (e.g. DBCO)-tagged biomolecules via Cu(I)-catalyzed Alknye-Azide (CUAAC) or Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC) reaction, respectively.

Search for nucleotides that are suitable for
enzymatic click functionalization of DNA or enzymatic click functionalization of RNA.

Products & Ordering
8-Azido-AMP NU-158 8-Azido-ADP NU-159
8-Azido-ATP NU-155 2′-Azido-2′-dATP NU-976 2′-Azido-dATP
3′-Azido-3′-dATP NU-990 3′-Azido-2’,3′-ddATP NU-882
γ-(2-Azidoethyl)-ATP NU-1701 γ-(6-Azidohexyl)-ATP NU-1702
γ-[(6-Azidohexyl)-imido]-ATP CLK-T12 N6-(6-Azido)hexyl-ATP CLK-NU-003
N6-(6-Azido)hexyl-dATP CLK-NU-002 N6-(6-Azido)hexyl-3′-dATP NU-1707 (Cordycepin triphosphate derivative)

Azide-containing nucleosides can be labeled with terminal Alkyne or strained Alkyne (e.g. DBCO)-tagged reporter molecules via a Cu(I)-catalyzed Alknye-Azide (CUAAC) or Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC) reaction, respectively.

A number of cell-permeable CLICK-functionalized nucleosides are suitable for:

DNA synthesis monitoring,
RNA synthesis monitoring,
the analysis of poly A tail dynamics or
Protein synthesis monitoring.


Products & Ordering
2-Azido-adenosine N-1061 3′-Azido-3′-deoxyadenosine CLK-094
5-Azidomethyl-uridine (5-AmU) CLK-063 5-Azidomethyl-2′-deoxyuridine (5-AmdU) CLK-064
5-(3-Azidopropyl)-2′-deoxyuridine CLK-034

Azides of amino acids can be labeled with terminal Alkyne or strained Alkyne (e.g. DBCO)-tagged reporter molecules via a Cu(I)-catalyzed Alkyne-Azide (CUAAC) or Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC) reaction, respectively.

A number of cell-permeable Click-functionalized amino acids are randomly incorporated instead of methionine during translation and are therefore suitable for residue selective protein synthesis monitoring.


Products & Ordering
3-Azido-D-alanine HCl CLK-AA004 (R)-2-Amino-3-azidopropanoic acid hydrochloride 3-Azido-L-alanine HCl CLK-AA003 (S)-2-Amino-3-azidopropanoic acid hydrochloride
4-Azido-D-homoalanine HCl CLK-AA006 (R)-2-Amino-4-azidobutanoic acid hydrochloride 4-Azido-L-homoalanine HCl (L-AHA) CLK-AA005 (S)-2-Amino-4-azidobutanoic acid hydrochloride
4-Azido-D-phenylalanine CLK-AA002 4-Azido-L-phenylalanine CLK-AA001
5-Azido-D-ornithine HCl CLK-AA008 5-Azido-D-norvaline HCl (R)-2-Amino-5-azidopentanoic acid hydrochloride 5-Azido-L-ornithine HCl CLK-AA007 5-Azido-L-norvaline HCl (S)-2-Amino-5-azidopentanoic acid hydrochloride
6-Azido-D-lysine HCl CLK-AA010 (R)-2-Amino-6-azidohexanoic acid hydrochloride 6-Azido-L-lysine HCl CLK-AA009 (S)-2-Amino-6-azidohexanoic acid hydrochloride

Azides of monosaccharides can be labeled with terminal Alkyne or strained Alkyne (e.g. DBCO)-tagged reporter molecules via a Cu(I)-catalyzed Alkyne-Azide (CUAAC) or Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC) reaction, respectively.

Products & Ordering
Ac4ManNAz CLK-1084 N-azidoacetylatedmannosamine-tetraacylated (Ac4ManAz) Ac4GlcNAz CLK-1085 N-azidoacetylglucosamine-tetraacylated (Ac4GlcNAz)
Ac4GalNAz CLK-1086 N-azidoacetylgalactosamine-tetraacylated (Ac4GalNAz) UDP-GalNAz CLK-077 UDP-N-azidoacetylgalactosamine
UDP-6-azide-glucose CLK-076 6-Azido-Trehalose CLK-078 6-TreAz
pLEG-Azide CLK-079 pLEG-N3 Man2NAc4NAc6-N3 Kdo-Azide CLK-080 Kdo-N3

Azide Agarose is suitable to covalently capture terminal Alkyne and strained Alkyne (e.g DBCO)-tagged biomolecules via a Cu(I)-catalyzed Alkyne-Azide (CUAAC) or Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC) reaction, respectively.

The proteins of interest need to be metabolically, enzymatically or chemically terminal Alkyne- or DBCO-tagged. Subsequently, the Azide Agarose containing the covalently attached proteins can be washed with high stringency, virtually eliminating any non-specifically bound proteins.

Products & Ordering
Azide Agarose CLK-1038 Click Chemistry Capture Kit CLK-1065

Azide Magnetic Beads are suitable to covalently capture terminal Alkyne and strained Alkyne (e.g. DBCO)-tagged biomolecules onto magnetic beads by via a Cu(I)-catalyzed Alkyne-Azide (CUAAC) or Cu(I)-free strain-promoted Alkyne-Azide Click Chemistry (SPAAC) reaction, respectively.

The proteins of interest need to be metabolically, enzymatically or chemically terminal Alkyne- or DBCO-tagged. Subsequently, the Azide Magnetic Beads containing the covalently attached proteins can be washed with high stringency, virtually eliminating any non-specifically bound proteins.

Products & Ordering
Azide Magnetic Beads CLK-1036

Selected References

Introduction to the concept of Click Chemistry

[1] Kolb et al. (2001) Click chemistry: diverse chemical function from a few good reactions. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 40 (11):2004.
[2] Sletten et al. (2009) Bioorthogonal Chemistry: Fishing for Selectivity in a Sea of Functionality. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.48:6998.
[3] Jewett et al.(2010) Cu-free click cycloaddition reactions in chemical biology. Chem. Soc. Rev. 39 (4):1272.
[4] Best et al. (2009) Click Chemistry and Bioorthogonal Reactions: Unprecedented Selectivity in the Labeling of Biological Molecules. Biochemistry.48:6571.
[5] Lallana et al. (2011) Reliable and Efficient Procedures for the Conjugation of Biomolecules through Huisgen Azide–Alkyne Cycloadditions. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 50:8794.

Overview of Click Chemistry Applications

[6] Grammel et al. (2013) Chemical Reporters for biological discovery. Nature Chemical Biology 9:475.
[7] Xie et al. (2013) Cell-selective metabolic labeling of biomolecules with bioorthogonal functionalities. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 17:747.
[8] Su et al. (2013) Target identification of biologically active small molecules via in situ methods. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 17:768.
[9] Zeng et al. (2013) The Growing Impact of Bioorthogonal Click Chemistry on the Development of Radiopharmaceuticals. J Nucl Med 54:829.
[10] Evans et al. (2007) The Rise of Azide–Alkyne 1,3-Dipolar ‘Click’ Cycloaddition and its Application to Polymer Science and Surface Modification. Australian Journal of Chemistry 60 (6):384.


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