Gene Editing Reagents

Explore our GMP-Grade CRISPR Cas9, Cas12a, MaxNuclease, AAV ELISA Kits, and DNA Amplification Enzymes ProductsAccuBase™ Base Editor, GMP-GradeAccuBase™ Base Editor, Read More...

Recombinant Proteins

Comprehensive portfolio of target proteins designed for every stage of antibody drug discovery campaigns ProductsFc ReceptorsCD3 ProteinsFGFRsCD47 & SIRPVLP-Displayed Antigens Read More...

Cell Therapy Proteins

MHC Complexes, CAR-T Targets, VLPs, Cytokines, and Laminin 521 ProductsCAR-T TargetsCytokinesSoluble TCR Expression ServicesMHC Tetramers & MonomersPeptide-ready MHCsHLA-G and LILRsLaminin Read More...


View All Products Publications There are an ever growing range of publications demonstrating the applications and benefits of our unique Read More...

HistoMAX – IHC-validated Antibodies

View All Products Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is an indispensable application routinely employed in academic and clinical research as well as in Read More...

Therapeutic Drug Repurposing: Finding New Applications for Existing Drugs through Nuclear Receptor Profiling

View All Products What is Drug Repurposing? As drug discovery continues to look towards smaller and smaller patient pools and Read More...

Taming Standard Deviation in Cell-based Assays

View All Products Cell-based assays can be used for a wide variety of applications ranging from preclinical drug discovery to Read More...

Indigo Biosciences Technical Videos

View All Products WebinarsAssay Kit Tutorial Videos Webinars Biomonitoring Relevance of Bioassays in Water Treatment Nuclear Receptors and Cancer Research: Read More...

Colony-Stimulating Factor Receptors G-CSFR, M-CSFR, and GM-CSFR in Disease and Drug Discovery

View All Products About Colony-Stimulating Factor Receptors G-CSFR, M-CSFR, and GM-CSFR Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor Receptor, Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor Receptor, and Read More...

IchorBio Citations

View All Products ichorbio Citations Please see below for a full list of ichorbio publications arranged in date order. ichorbio Read More...

Adrenergic Receptors In Disease and Drug Discovery

View All Products Adrenergic receptors, a class of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), play a pivotal role in mediating the physiological Read More...

Alpha-1 Adrenergic Receptors in Disease and Drug Discovery

View All ProductsProducts Adrenergic receptors, a class of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), play a pivotal role in mediating the physiological Read More...