Alpco FAQs

If your questions are not listed below, please contact technical support: ImmunoassaysHPLC/LC-MSChemiluminescenceImmunoassaysQ. What kind of sample type can be used Read More...

Bone Metabolism: The Cycle of Bone Growth and Resorption

Bone metabolism is a continual cycle of bone growth and resorption that is carefully orchestrated by the dynamic relationship between osteoclasts, osteoblasts Read More…

Understanding the Role of Energy Homeostasis in Diabetes

Introduction The prevalence of diabetes and obesity has been on the rise for several decades and research has demonstrated that Read More…

Simplify Stool Sample Processing

Introduction We understand the challenges facing lab managers and directors who need to continuously improve workflow efficiency and implement new Read More…

Measuring Pancreatic Elastase to Diagnose Pancreatic Disease

Many digestive system disorders and diseases can  present similar types of symptoms including bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and weight gain/loss. In Read More…

Heart Disease Biomarkers in Diabetes Research

Introduction Cardiovascular disease (CVD) encompasses a constellation of diseases related to the heart and circulatory system. Despite efforts to understand Read More…

Measuring Calprotectin When Studying Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

Calprotectin (MRP 8/14, S100 A8/A9) is an immunomodulatory protein accounting for up to 60% of cytosolic protein in neutrophil granulocytes Read More…

Physiological Actions of Natriuretic Peptides

Introduction Humans have at least 50 discovered hormones managing vital biological functions in the body. These hormones are produced by Read More…

Stool-Based Biomarkers to Differentiate Between IBD and IBS

What are IBD and IBS? Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are two different gastrointestinal tract issues Read More…

Early Detection of Diabetic Kidney Disease with Biomarkers

Introduction Over one third of diabetics will develop diabetic kidney disease (DKD) in their lifetime1. Despite the large amount of Read More…

Investigating Bioactive Leptin in Obesity Research

The Biology of Leptin Leptin is a hormone composed of 167 amino acids and is primarily produced by adipocytes, therefore Read More…

Developing A Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Platform

Introduction ALPCO developed STELLUX® as a chemiluminescent immunoassay platform aimed at detecting key biomarkers in the life science research and Read More…