
Contact UsView All Products Stable Cell LineTranscription Factor AssaysCytokines ELISAmiRNA ResearchGene Expression AnalysisBiomarkers and Key ProteinsOthers Stable Cell Line Luciferase Read More...

Cytokines and Hormones

Cytokines and growth factors are signaling molecules that have critical roles in many biological processes such as cellular growth, differentiation, Read More…

Biomarkers & Key Proteins

The presense or altered level of a specific molecule or biomarker can help to confirm a particular disease state. The Read More…

miRNA Research

miRNAs are small non-coding RNA molecules that regulate up to 30% of mammalian gene expression. They serve as post-transcriptional regulators, Read More…


  Benefits Highly specific – Specifically detect activation by binding sequence and with  an antibody against the specific gene. High-throughput – With Whole Cell Read More…

Gene Expression Analysis

Gene Expression is the process by which information from a gene is used to direct the synthesis of a functional gene Read More…

miRNA Real Time PCR

Principle In the assay, the target miRNA molecule is hybridized with two oligos to form a RNA/DNA duplex. When the Read More…

Transcription Factor Assays

Transcription factors (TFs) are DNA binding proteins that play essential roles in regulating gene expression. They act as a sensor to Read More…

Resisting Cell Death

In order to survive and proliferate, cancer cells must overcome and avoid the diverse range and number of cell death Read More…

Oligos and Amplification

Overview PCR is a mainstay Molecular Biology technique and over the years has been refined, developed and advanced to become Read More…

Analysis of PCR

Overview Analysing and visualising your results is often the culmination of weeks if not months of work and can be Read More…

Genetic Engineering – Master the Essentials

Overview In Molecular Biology, the ability to successfully manipulate DNA is essential.  Stratech offers cutting edge cloning systems, genome editing Read More…